Madeleine Lewis, LICSW

About Me

I specialize in counseling for Anxiety, Panic, and related conditions. I also work with Depression and other Mood Disorders, Adjustment and life-transition issues, Trauma, and Grief/Loss.

I earned my Master’s in Social Work in 1995, and prior to starting my private practice in 2003 I served as a clinical social worker in both hospital settings and clinical mental health settings. My training and orientation includes CBT, Mindfulness, and Psychodynamic theories. I’m a past chairperson of the Washington Mental Health PAC, and a current member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) and the Washington State Society for Clinical Social Work. On a personal level, I’m a musician, like to read and am committed to lifelong learning, and I’m a devoted fair-weather hiker.

 Contact me at 206-313-1921 or